What Is Uniswap? Explained in Minutes

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In this concise overview, we will provide a speedy explanation of Uniswap, shedding light on its significance in the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi). What is Uniswap, and how does it work? Let’s find out in a matter of minutes.

What Is Uniswap (UNI)?

Uniswap operates as an Ethereum-based protocol for the exchange of ERC20 tokens. In contrast to the majority of exchanges that are structured to generate fees, Uniswap is purposefully constructed as a public utility, serving as a resource for the community to engage in token trading devoid of platform charges or intermediaries. Furthermore, unlike conventional exchanges that rely on matching buyers with sellers to establish prices and execute transactions, Uniswap employs a straightforward mathematical formula and pools of tokens and ETH to accomplish these tasks.

What Is Uniswap
What Is Uniswap?

Uniswap Features Overview

Uniswap boasts several prominent features and applications, which encompass:

  • Decentralized Trading: Uniswap empowers users to conduct direct token trading, bypassing the necessity for centralized exchanges. This approach ensures rapid, efficient, and secure trading while granting users greater autonomy and control over their assets.
  • Liquidity Pools: Uniswap introduces a distinctive liquidity pool model that enables anyone to contribute liquidity to the platform. In return, liquidity providers receive a portion of the trading fees. This model fosters high liquidity and keeps transaction fees low, rendering it a favored choice among traders.
  • Governance: Uniswap’s governance model is decentralized, allowing token holders to participate in voting on proposals aimed at enhancing and updating the platform. This inclusive governance system ensures the platform remains responsive to the evolving needs and preferences of its user base.
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Integration: Uniswap seamlessly integrates with the broader DeFi ecosystem, granting users direct access to an array of DeFi services and applications directly from the platform.
  • Multi-Network Support: Uniswap is accessible not only on the Ethereum network but also on Ethereum-compatible networks like Arbitrum, Optimism, and Polygon (formerly known as Matic). This multi-network compatibility enables users to utilize the platform on various networks and leverage the unique advantages of each network.
Uniswap Features Overview

How Does Uniswap Work?

Uniswap Participants:

  • Liquidity Providers: People who add money to the pool and get a small fee (0.3%). This could be regular folks wanting to invest and earn fees, pros with strategies, or projects making it easy to trade their tokens.
  • Traders: Folks who trade different tokens. They could be speculators, using tools to trade with Uniswap’s money; bots finding good deals on different platforms; users buying tokens for other apps on Ethereum; or smart contracts doing transactions (they pay a fixed fee).
  • Developers: People who create things using Uniswap. This might be DeFi dashboards making Uniswap easy to use, wallets with trading features, platforms combining liquidity for the best prices (Uniswap is a big source), or developers making new DeFi tools, like Unisocks or Zora.

Uniswap consists of several crucial elements that together ensure uninterrupted automation 24/7. Here, we will delve into these components and their roles in creating an efficient trading ecosystem.

Automated Market Maker (AMM)

Uniswap’s foundation lies in AMMs, which replace traditional order books with liquidity pools to facilitate trading. This system guarantees continuous liquidity in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Instead of buyers and sellers matching through centralized mechanisms, AMM operates automatically and without intermediaries, thanks to liquidity pools. Users contribute cryptocurrency tokens to these pools, and a predetermined mathematical formula calculates token prices within the pool.

Liquidity Pools and Providers

In finance, liquidity denotes an asset’s convertibility without impacting market prices. In the early days of decentralized exchanges, liquidity challenges were prevalent due to the novelty of the technology. The introduction of AMMs revolutionized decentralized exchanges by creating liquidity pools and incentivizing liquidity providers. Liquidity pools, managed by smart contracts, contain digital assets, and these smart contracts determine token prices in real time. Liquidity providers, individuals who contribute tokens to these pools, ensure liquidity within decentralized exchanges and DeFi ecosystems.

Stakeholders, or liquidity providers, contribute tokens to Uniswap’s liquidity pools. Typically, traders pay fees of approximately 0.3% when executing trades on Uniswap. These fees are then distributed among liquidity providers based on their proportional contributions to the liquidity pool.

How Does Uniswap Work?

In summary, Uniswap relies on AMMs and liquidity pools to offer a seamless trading experience. This approach minimizes fees and intermediaries while providing incentives for liquidity providers, thereby enhancing liquidity and efficiency in the DeFi ecosystem.

How Did Uniswap Evolve?

Since its 2018 inception, Uniswap has undergone significant changes, resulting in different protocol versions. These versions are summarized below to illustrate the evolution of this leading decentralized exchange (DEX):

  • Uniswap v1: Uniswap’s inaugural version, introduced the concept of decentralized token trading on the Ethereum blockchain. While it generated excitement, it primarily facilitated ERC-20 token trading and served as a proof of concept for automated market maker (AMM) technology.
  • Uniswap v2: In 2020, Uniswap underwent its first major upgrade with the release of Uniswap v2. Notable enhancements included the ability to create ERC-20 to ERC-20 trading pairs, eliminating the need for ETH as an intermediary token. Lower gas fees, improved efficiency, and faster swaps further cemented Uniswap’s status as a top decentralized exchange.
  • Uniswap v3: The current version, Uniswap v3, introduces custom price ranges for liquidity providers. This innovation allows liquidity providers to specify trading price ranges, addressing capital inefficiencies associated with undefined liquidity bounds. This version represents the latest evolution in Uniswap’s quest for efficiency and user empowerment.
How Did Uniswap Evolve?

How Do I Get Started With Uniswap?

How to swap tokens on Uniswap?

Uniswap has consistently offered the easiest method for trading Ethereum-based tokens since its inception. Its user-friendly interface simplifies the process: connect your wallet and choose the tokens and amounts you wish to swap.

How do I get started with Uniswap?

Notably, Uniswap now defaults to the v3 interface for all swapping and liquidity operations. However, if you prefer the previous interface, it’s still accessible.

In contrast to the complex interfaces seen in many decentralized exchanges, Uniswap’s simplicity has contributed to its rapid rise as one of the most popular Ethereum decentralized applications (dApps).

How to provide liquidity on Uniswap?

To contribute liquidity to Uniswap and potentially earn UNI tokens or support the community, follow these straightforward steps:

  • Visit the Uniswap platform.
  • Utilize the top right button to connect your Web3 wallet.
  • Navigate to the “Pool” section, located at the top of your screen.
  • Locate and select the prominently highlighted “Add Liquidity” button.
  • Choose the two tokens you intend to provide as liquidity, such as ETH and MKR, or DAI and SAND.
  • Specify the amount you wish to contribute. Note that the value of one input must always be equivalent to the value of the second input. For example, if you provide $100 in ETH, you should also provide $100 in MKR.
  • Click the “Supply” button to confirm your liquidity provision.
  • Liquidity providers are required to pay a one-time confirmation fee, allowing Uniswap to utilize their tokens.
  • Providing liquidity typically involves two transactions, each with its associated transaction fee.
  • Keep in mind that DeFi applications are experimental and entail inherent risks. Only commit an amount you are willing to lose in case of unexpected issues.

By providing liquidity on Uniswap, you can participate in the DeFi ecosystem and potentially earn rewards while helping to maintain liquidity in the platform’s pools.

How do I get started with Uniswap?

How to buy NFTs on Uniswap?

Since late 2022, Uniswap has expanded its presence from the realm of DeFi into the world of NFTs. Now, users have access to its NFT Marketplace Aggregator, simplifying the process of exploring prices for their favorite collectibles across various marketplaces. This eliminates the need for manual comparisons in multiple places, streamlining the search for the best price.

Moreover, users can employ the “sweep the floor” approach within a collection. This means allocating a specific budget to acquire as many of the most affordable NFTs from a particular collection as possible.

Purchasing NFTs through Uniswap is an effortless process. Once your wallet is connected, follow these steps:

  • Visit the Uniswap dapp.
  • Access the NFT Marketplace Aggregator page.
  • Explore the Ethereum NFT collection of your choice.
  • Employ filters, set price ranges, and select the desired NFTs.
  • Finalize the purchase of the chosen NFTs, and they will be added to your collection.

Uniswap’s foray into the NFT space provides users with a convenient platform for NFT discovery and acquisition, enhancing the overall NFT experience.

Pros and Cons of Uniswap


  • Listing tokens is easy and doesn’t cost anything.
  • Users can swap tokens fast and easily.
  • It works smoothly with existing wallets, making storing and swapping simpler than using regular exchanges.


  • Because listing tokens is easy, there are lots of scam tokens, and new users might lose money to fraud.
  • Since it’s on Ethereum, transaction fees (gas fees) can get a bit high sometimes.

Is Uniswap Protocol Safe?

Uniswap Protocol itself is considered to be secure, as it is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which has a robust security infrastructure. However, the safety of using Uniswap depends on various factors, including how you interact with the protocol, the smart contracts you use, and the precautions you take.

Here are some key considerations for using Uniswap safely:

  • Check for smart contract audits by reputable firms before using any DeFi protocol.
  • Be cautious with third-party interfaces; opt for reputable ones.
  • Double-check URLs, avoid sharing private keys and use official sources to access Uniswap.
  • Use secure web3 wallets, enable two-factor authentication, and consider hardware wallets.
  • Be mindful of Ethereum gas fees and their impact on transaction costs.
  • Understand DeFi’s inherent risks, including price volatility and smart contract vulnerabilities.
  • If new to DeFi, begin with small asset amounts to learn and adapt.

Risks on Uniswap Exchange

Smart Contract Risks

Uniswap’s computer programs are like simple rules that have been checked and tested and are known to work well over time. Even though it’s not common, there’s a small chance that Uniswap could be attacked because anything using smart contracts can have technical problems.

In Uniswap V1, bad actors could use tricks in the ERC-777 token rules to take money from certain pools of tokens. For example, the imBTC Tokenlon pool got attacked, and they lost $300,000. But in Uniswap V2, they fixed this problem, so this kind of attack doesn’t work anymore.

Token Risks

On Uniswap, it’s pretty easy for someone to add their own token. Because of this, some people take advantage of the simplicity to add tokens that are scams or not real. Users should be careful and check the smart contract of a token to avoid losing money.


In just a few minutes, we’ve uncovered What is Uniswap. Uniswap’s simplicity, security, and accessibility make it a cornerstone of the decentralized finance ecosystem, and its impact continues to reverberate throughout the crypto space.

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Chi Do
Chi Do
Chi Do is a content writer at CoinMinutes, responsible for creating most of the content on the website, including news related to Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Blockchain, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), and more. With a keen interest in cryptocurrencies since the 2020s, Chi has acquired extensive experience and knowledge in this field. Chi holds a Bachelor's degree in communication from Academy of Journalism and Communication in Vietnam.

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